Pause the Moment

Are you sad? stressed? need a motivation?

It’s time for you to watch the breathtaking Sunrise and Sunset!

Sunset at Manila Bay
Manila Bay

Let’s start your day to catch an astounding sunrise for you to be in a better mood throughout the day and to give you a hope. Not a morning person? that’s not a problem, wait and you will see the most outstanding colors of the Sun creates against the Sky that can be truly amazing and get the feeling of serenity. Besides, It has actually been proven to ease yourself from any stress, anxiety and putting you in a relax mode to set your new perception, thus, if you are having a rough day, go to your favorite spot and wash your worries away!

Nevertheless, everyone has a favorite, right? Therefore, Sunset is my favorite part of the day! I pause for a moment and felt like whenever I am watching, my mood suddenly change, It gives me a peace of mind that everything is going to be alright.

“I’ve never met a sunset I didn’t like.”

Biñan, Laguna

We’re all given one every single day to see how incredible the God’s creation and you will never see the same rise and set of the sun because of the colors lay are completely various. And I guarantee you’ll never get bored of watching, because everyday it’s a different show.

We are blessed everyday for having an astonishing views and I know everybody loves the sunrise and sunset, all you have to do is to appreciate it. 


Can’t wait to see your own sunrise and sunset moments? Drop your message now!